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7 for Sweden. The 24-month IRs were 6. 1 7. 5 5. 2 for Denmark and 5. 6 5. 8 4. 3 for Sweden. The 2-month adjusted RRs for tocilizumab versus rituximab were 0. 82 0. 50 to 1. 36 for Denmark and 0. 76 0. 57 to 1. 02 for Sweden, combined 0. 78 0. 61 to 1. For abatacept versus rituximab 0. 94 0. 55 to 1. 60 for Denmark and 0. 86 0. 66 to 1. 13 for Sweden, pooled 0. 88 0. 69 to 1. Finally, for abatacept versus tocilizumab, 1. 15 0. 69 to 1. 90 for Denmark and 1. 14 0. 83 to 1. 55 for Sweden, pooled 1. 13 0. 91 to 1. The adjusted RRs for 0 - 24 months were similar. To download the Untangling the Web report and for more information about MSFs participation in the Rome AIDS Conference, visit aids2011.

msf. org Since the end of January, the level of violence has decreased in the areas in the west of the country where we operate. If localized tensions persist, the violence is not of the same severity as before. The movement of displaced people to return to their region of origin continues. They leave the sites where they had settled temporarily to go, according to their expression, to their вancestral landsв. This attitude was all permit spray more curious given that its diplomatic apparatus had continually demonstrated a noticeable inertia during the long detention of the man who was nevertheless one poshinlen its nationals. Except to be moved in March 2004 by the campaigns carried out by MSF among European public opinion to make them aware of the fate of the hostage. MSF opened a maternity ward in Khost City in 2012 where the NGO carries out more than 1,100 deliveries per month.

In northern Afghanistan, in Kunduz, MSF runs a surgical center. The NGO also works alongside the Ministry of Health in Ahmad Shah Baba Hospital in eastern Kabul, as well as Lashkar Gah Provincial Hospital in Helmand region. In accordance with its permit spray of neutrality and impartiality, patients are admitted solely on medical criteria.